Friday, April 28, 2006

It looks like I am heading up the reunion committee this year. It is hard to believe that it has been 15 years already.....

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Well, the basement is coming along. The entertainment section is separated from the play area by shelves & the TV stand. It seems like it will work out well. There is still debris everywhere but it is coming along nicely.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

My dad gave me a pile of old home movies on video tape. I plan to transfer them all to DVD. My parents need a new DVD player - apparently theirs won't play DVD+R discs... go figure.
I moved my computer desk over to where the hale of the train table used to be... I still have debris to clean up then I will be moving Rain's computer desk over next to mine. Once I do that I'm moving the entertainment center to make a partition wall and making a play area for Katya that will be entirely here - and have the best view of the train too! Katya likes seeing the train running. Last night she asked me to turn it on again so that she could watch it run.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Easter was a good day. Katya had fun, lots of candy to go around. Saturday Katya actually sat in the Easter Bunny's lap for pictures with no fuss. No more tears.. yay! I love the new camcorder. I can transfer the video to DV now and make as many copies as I want. I am working on copying all the old home movies to DVD.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

A sad day in model railroading

Tonight I demolished half of my model railroad in an attempt to save the remaining half. The half that I took down, I had planned to re-do anyway, but in the last 2 years have not made any forward progress on it. Like the phoenix, it WILL be reborn!!! I still will remove the big mountain and turn it into a double oval. At least this way I can run the train, which is much more than has happened over the last year. It is running as I type this. I can't remember the last time I could say that ,which is really sad......

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I've been bad at blogging lately, no clue why...
Saturday we bought a new digital camcorder. This thing is nice.. weighs like a pound and can film in 16:9 format. I realized that we weren't getting any video of Katya because the old camera was being finnicky & being a general pain to use, so we decided it ws time to invest in a new one. I'm glad we did, this one will be going everywhere with us so we can get lots of video of her. We took it to Nick & Marie's wedding and I downloaded the video to the computer & am working on editing it to put it on DVD. We also bought a DVD recorder so now I can take all the old home movies & put them on DVD. I have done a few already and it works great! Katya is signed up for a dance class starting this week.