Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Dad is out of here as soon as the wheelchair gets here.

Monday, April 27, 2009

It looks like dad will be discharged tomorrow. This is a good thing since he hates the hospital.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Dad is making progress

They removed more of the stuff he was hooked to and it looks like he
should be moved out of the ICU sometime today. I'll know more when we go
and visit a little later on.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Just left dad. He's doing pretty good. Not sure if he'll be transferred to a regular room tonight or not.
Just spent about an hour with dad. He's doing pretty good. He wants out of the ICU real bad.

Dad's doing pretty good

I just called to check on dad. The nurse said he's doing good and is off
the ventilator. In fact, the nurse had just been there and talking to
him. He said that chances are dad would be moved to a regular room later

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Dad is out of surgery. Waiting to hear from the surgeon now.
Still waiting on news of dad's progress. Should be another hour or so.
They just wheeled dad into the OR
Dad is waiting for word on when he'll go to surgery. It should be any time now.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Well, today I spent all day at the hospital. Dad went in for a
catheterization and they realized that it was much worse than they had
anticipated. He was admitted and is scheduled for open heart surgery
tomorrow morning. I'll post more when I can.
Dad goes in for a double bypass tomorrow at 9:30am.
Still waiting for them to start... Probably not til 11
They just took dad back... Don't know how long it'll be.
Dad is registered. Now we wait...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tomorrow morning dad goes in for his catheterization. It's a pretty
routine thing and I don't think anything will come of it. We ended up
canceling our weekend trip so I can stick close to home. I'll post more
later when I know what's going on.

Plans have changed

It looks as if our plans for the weekend are changed. Dad went for a
stress test and they want him to go in for a catheterization or stent
today or tomorrow. I'm waiting to find out when it will be.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Rain's car may need new fuel injectors... Fun fun. It flooded trying to start this morning.
Saturday, we took fred's bike apart and had new keys made for the ignition. We got a good 70 mile ride in on sat. and sun.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Yay! Mobile blogging... :)

Monday, April 13, 2009


It's times like this that you find out who your friends really are. We
have a house guest for the foreseeable future. We spent a good part of
the evening sorting through the clothes that his (soon to be) ex wife
threw together in bags for him. I'm sure there's lots more coming before
too long.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Syncing in linux

Well, I just got my phone to sync with my computer from within Linux.
Well, technically from XP within Linux, but no reboot to Vista anymore.
yay! One less thing tethering me to Vista.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

A busy weekend

Yesterday I went to the junkyard and got rid of a few tires and the old
rear from the Jeep. I also got a new tail light and instrument cluster.
I now have a properly functioning speedometer again. I replaced the fog
lights because one was busted and they'll fail me at inspection because
of it.

I also used some scrap material and made Katya 5 skirts and a dress for
the SCA events. We started reorganizing the garb and sorting out the
stuff we wear from the stuff that we don't. I think next week it is time
to break out the tent and re-do the stoves for the season. The stoves
are like 20 years old and I think it might be time to replace them.