We've survived or first 2 days as parents.. Katya is such a sweetie. She is
feeding herself and loves her sippy cup. She likes to ride in the stroller too.
We're dealing with the dirty diapers, temper tantrums (mostly when she is
tired), etc. pretty well. We just had to put her to bed (12:30) for her
afternoon nap a little early since she started throwing her bread around (she
was tired). We're sticking to our guns and not letting her win, even when it
means she throws a tantrum, she still doesn't win. She does sleep through the
night once she cries herself to sleep - she does not like to be put to bed, no
matter how tired she is. She calls us Mama and Papa now and knows "Book" real
well. and "govgov" is her word for any animal. We went to the museum this
morning and she loved the stuffed animals. We saw Gizmo's distant relative
(asian leopard). We're going to the park this afternoon if it isn't raining. I
got smart and hit the local version of Super Fresh and bought some bread,
fruit, juice, soda, and yogurt. It cost 928 rubles (about $35) - a little more
than one meal would cost if we ate out. We're trying to eat out only 2 or 3
times a week to conserve funds. I'm updating the weblog when I can - probably
going to be every other day or so. I better go, have lots more to check up on.
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