Friday, January 22, 2010

The popcorn incident

This happens to every parent at some point, but how we handle it
determines the future of the child in some ways. Yesterday Adrien had
some popcorn as a snack. When he was done, he dumped the cup of popcorn
crumbs on the floor. I told him to pick them up and put them back in the
cup. His response was "no". Of course, I could not let this go and told
him to pick it up. He refused, so I told him to have a seat. After
several more attempts he still refused to pick up his mess. This led to
me sitting behind him and not letting him go anywhere or play with
anything until he picked up his mess. It was now or never if I was going
to beat the stubborn, 'I'm gonna do what I want regardless of what you
say' attitude. I had a similar situation with Katie right around the
same age. Well, to make a long story short, 1 hour and 45 minutes later,
he said to me "Daddy Joe, I stink." This was after screaming crying,
stomping, etc. constantly the whole time. He had peed in his pull up a
while earlier. I said to him "Let's get this cleaned up and I'll change
your pull up." He said "ok" and started cleaning it up. I had finally
won. If this works like it did with Katie, the stubborn attitude should
end when I tell him to do something from now on.

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