This weekend was definitely the exception. Thursday Rain got sick and
almost came home from work which would have meant that we couldn't leave
early for the trip on Friday so she stayed at work. I loaded up most of
the gear on Thursday so I wouldn't have to load and unload on Friday.
Friday morning I woke up with what Rain had on Thursday. This was
definitely not good and I seriously considered not going at all, but I
knew it was a 24 hour thing and I'd be better for Saturday so I took it
easy and got things loaded up. Around 1:00 Rain calls me and says the
black Jeep won't start. I already had the trailer all hooked up and
wasn't in the mood to unhook it to go look at the black Jeep so I took
the trailer with me. It turned out the Jeep was just not fully in park,
so the safety switch was preventing it from starting.
As I was backing the trailer into the driveway, I noticed something odd
with one of the trailer tires. I'm glad I looked because one of the
inside sidewalls was split. I broke out the hi-lift jack and changed the
tire and put the spare on. For some reason I decided to bring the
hi-lift along as well since I don't usually bring it with the blue Jeep.
I was glad I did. About 50 miles into the trip, the other trail;er tire
(not the new spare) blew. Now I had a problem since I had no spare now.
I located a tire shop nearby with the help of the GPS and called to see
if they had my tire in stock, which they did. I dropped the trailer,
leaving it on the jack and headed for the tire shop (thank goodness for
the GPS). $40 and 1 hour later and we were back on the road with a new tire.
We also lost alot of time to traffic due to construction and what should
have been a 3 hour drive at most took a little over 5 hours.