Sunday, July 11, 2010


I re-built the 2 ger door frame uprights that I broke last week (my own
fault). When I get access to a table saw, I'll trim them down a bit so
that the "U" is a bit shallower and that shouldn't happen again.

Today I also decided it was time to defrost the big freezer since the
frost builtup was like 4" thick on a few of the shelves. So right now
the contents are in the coolers. Thank goodness we have 2 decent sized 5
day coolers. :)

I started a batch of pumpkin melomel today. I found a bunch of frozen
pumpkin puree left over from Thanksgiving, so I figured I might as well
use it up. Maybe we'll have pumpkin melomel for Thanksgiving this year,
or next...

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