Wednesday, September 22, 2004

It has been a busy couple of days and I haven't posted, so here goes.....
Saturday Katya had a bit of a cold so we pretty much stayed home all day. She actually slept for a while on Rain's chest, so you know she wasn't feeling too good. She was real cranky and clingy all day. Sunday we went to the Lakewood Ren faire for a few hours. We didn't stay too long because we did not want Katya getting sick again. I got a chance to break the bow out again for the first time in over a year. That felt real good. It is nice to know that I have not lost my touch with all that down time. The basement is coming along nicely, we are still organizing the junk from the room upstairs. Soon I will start removing the old electric heaters and thermostats. Then we are going to repaint the new spare bedroom and then our bedroom. After that I think we will go through the other rooms one at a time a d repaint, etc. It is time to give he place a facelift on the inside.

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