Sunday, October 17, 2010

I love my work...

Tonight I bottled 5 of my wines, and I have to say that they all came out quite nicely.

Pumpkin: While the flavor is subtle, it is there. I'm not sure if the flavor is because of the buckwheat honey I used or not, but it's a keeper. I think I'll make another gallon or two for next year.

Bananas with cocoa: This one came out excellent! I plan to convert 4 gallons of the second banana batch I made into this and see if I can duplicate this on a larger scale.

Plum: This came out a bit on the tart side, but rather than sweeten it up, I decided to try it with some chocolate. Wow, is this stuff good with chocolate! We have another winner. :)

Honeysuckle: What can I say? Come spring, I will be hunting down every flowering honeysuckle in a day or 2 within driving distance and hope I can find enough flowering vines to make a 6 gallon batch of the stuff. :)

Pineapple & orange: This is more of a Pineapple, but it is still quite tasty. The pineapple overpowered the orange, but you can taste the influence of the orange in it.

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