Friday, April 30, 2004

did 20/20 screw up?

20/20 is airing a show "be my bay" or something like that. They are going to show 5 families competing to adopt a baby - sounds like a really horrible reality TV show, doesn't it? The way they described it is more like the next survivor than a documentatr. I know the open adoption system needs to be totally rethought - shouldn't even be alowed, but this will only sensationalize it, I dont think it will do any good at all, probably will have the opposite effect and hurt those of us that are adopting internationally. The last thing we need is the foreign governments thinking we are maing adoption into some kind of sport... They could definitely have presented it better, that is for sure. I think they are trying to support open adoption when they should be trying to put an end to it. Open adoption is a bad idea all around, letting families compete with each other to see who gets the baby.. that is wrong.. They should get a referral and that is the one they get. The birthmother should have zero rights once the adoption is finalized too, not this crap about her being able to visit, etc... That really irks me.

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