Tuesday, March 22, 2005

from thisistrue mailing...

This is truly sad.... Zero tolerance is out of hand (not that it was ever in hand)

SHOOT THE MESSENGER: Students at Brick Township (N.J.) High School say that teacher Stuart Mantel often "went nuts" when they didn't properly respect the national anthem. One student brought in a video camera "to expose the teacher in case he did anything again." Apparently he did: the resulting video allegedly shows Mantel screaming at students who talked during the anthem, and yanking a chair from under one who did not stand. There is no law or school requirement for students to stand during the anthem. After the video was made public, school officials took strong, decisive action: the student who made the recording was suspended for 10 days, and the school moved to prohibit cameras in classrooms. The teacher was not disciplined. (Asbury Park Press) ...Respect is taught by example, not by force.

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