Monday, August 23, 2010

good stuff

Yesterday we bottled a bunch of my wines and meads and I have to say
that I impressed myself. I do some pretty good work. Now the real test
will be to see if I can duplicate my efforts. Here's what we bottled:

Strawberry wine (6 gallons) - still needs a few months but tastes and
smells good.
Apple wine (6 gallons)- it's a subtle flavor but quite tasty.
Apple with brown sugar - Much more aroma and flavor thean the batch made
with white sugar. I will be making a bigger batch sometime for sure.
Banana - Oh heck yeah! I'm planning to start a 7-8 gallon batch within
the next week (this was only 1 gallon). This stuff is killer, lots of
aroma and tastes like bananas. :)
Clover sack mead - I definitely need to try and duplicate this. It's
only 6 months old and already is incredible. I don't know if it's the
recipe or the 5+ year old honey that did it, but I plan to try and
replicate this one real soon too.

Bananas with cocoa - its real dry and needs some more flavor, so I added
sugar and airlocked it again. I'll try again in a few months to see how
it's doing.
Sweet mead - it tastes quite good. Racked it and it needs more time
before bottling.

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